Maca can contribute to maintain physical and mental performance.


Also known as:
Lepidium meyenii
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The radish-shaped maca root is said to provide stamina and boost us with a large amount of nutrition - and wake us up in the bedroom! Perhaps you're wondering if you should try a maca supplement?

In recent decades, the maca root has grown in popularity around the world. In addition to its culinary uses, the plant may also have several health benefits.

Maca can potentially help both men and women, but in this article, we'll focus specifically on how it can improve women's quality of life.

In this article, we will review the following:

  • What is maca?
  • What are the maca benefits?
  • Who can benefit from this root?

What is maca root?

Maca is a plant scientifically known as Lepidium meyenii, sometimes called Peruvian ginseng. It is a cruciferous vegetable related to broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and kale.

The plant is grown on the high plateaus of the Andes mountain range in Peru. In fact, the Andeans have been cultivating maca for more than 2,000 years. It is one of the few edible plants that can survive the harsh weather conditions at over 4,000 metres in the Peruvian Andes.

Demand for maca supplements has increased in recent years, likely due to the plant's potential to boost libido and fertility.

Due to the increased global demand, people have begun to mass cultivate this plant in other parts of the world, including the mountainous Yunnan province in China.

The root is the most commonly used part of the plant and contains fibre, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. It also contains other bioactive compounds, including macamides, macaridin, alkaloids and glucosinolates, which are thought to be responsible for the health benefits.


  • Antioxidants such as vitamins C, E and B
  • Amino acids
  • Iron
  • Calcium
  • Manganese
  • Iodine
  • Fibre

5 potential maca root benefits

1. Stamina and vitality

It is rich in vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and protein. These nutrients support natural energy levels.

Woman doing yoga
The maca root can have many benefits and boost your vitality and energy.

A common reason people consume maca is to get a caffeine-free energy boost.

Although scientific studies have not been able to show exactly how this superfood increases energy in the body, it does appear to have energising effects in some people.

While more scientific studies need to be conducted to confirm this link, a small study of 175 people indicates that there is a link between maca and energy. In the study, people who took 3 grams of maca for 12 weeks reported an increase in energy compared to people who did not consume this health food.

For these very reasons, several scientific studies have evaluated the plant's role in athletic performance. Some athletes and bodybuilders use maca as a supplement to increase energy and endurance.

Even if you're not an athlete, a maca supplement can be a way to boost your vitality and energy.

2. Sex drive

There are only a few studies on maca's effectiveness in the bedroom, but some small studies show that it can be used to boost sex drive.

The root is packed with minerals such as zinc, iodine and essential fatty acids that can help maintain natural sexual activity and energy. With increased energy, sexual arousal is usually much easier to achieve.

Taking a supplement with this plant can therefore help provide a subtle boost of energy in the bedroom and better sexual health.

3. Bone health during menopause

It's important to maintain good bone density as we age. This is especially true for women approaching menopause or those already in menopause. Studies on the effect of maca root on menopausal symptoms have shown that it increases important markers associated with bone density.

Another study - this one conducted on rats - also found a link between this health food and strong bones. The study suggests that this is due to the plant's content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, a nutrient important for bone health.

Maca can have the benefit to make bones harder, and this property is especially important because women lose bone density as they age. Therefore, the maca root can be useful for women both before menopause, but also during menopause to protect bone health.

4. Fertility

More and more individuals are turning to alternative options to improve fertility.

So far, research has only examined maca's effect on fertility in animals, but much of the research shows promising results.

Animal studies support the root's traditional use to promote fertility, especially for women, due to maca's ability to increase luteinising hormone in the pituitary gland. This hormone is linked to fertility and other factors in the body.

5. Mental performance

Studies have shown that maca can help improve mental performance. This is attributed to its numerous components that activate brain function and enhance brain activity.

In particular, there are 19 different unique fatty acids known as macamides that have been shown to play different roles in our own endocannabinoid system (ECS) by altering the brain's response to stress and improving brain function.

For these reasons, maca is known to boost brain performance.

How should maca be consumed?

With so many potential benefits, you're probably wondering about the best way to consume this superfood.

In Peru, the root is traditionally ingested in food and as a tea. However, here in the UK, it's more commonly available in powder, capsules, or tablets. Regardless of how you choose to consume it, maca can offer numerous benefits for your body.

Maca root
Maca comes in powder, capsules and many other forms - but in its natural form it looks like a radish.

In terms of dosage, up to 3 grams per day is considered safe according to the National Library of Medicine.

As the root can be an energy booster, it is recommended that you consume it early in the day if you tend to have trouble falling asleep at night.

Does maca powder have side effects?

Maca is currently not associated with any health risks in most people and is unlikely to cause any side effects in moderate doses.

The root is considered to be well tolerated with rare and minimal side effects.

However, people who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not consume this root as it has not been scientifically tested on pregnant or breastfeeding women.

If you've never tried maca powder or other supplements before and are unsure how your body will react, it's always a good idea to start with a very small amount and then slowly work your way up to a full dose.

Who can benefit from a maca supplement?

If you often feel tired, lethargic or have low energy, you can benefit from adding this herb to your daily health routine.

Women who are about to enter menopause or who are already in menopause can especially benefit from it.

A maca supplement may therefore be suitable for:

  • People who work out and need an extra boost of energy and endurance
  • People who want to strengthen bone health
  • People who want to give your sex life a boost

While this superfood has many claimed benefits, we want to emphasise that it's not a miracle cure that will solve all your problems.

It's important to make the right dietary and lifestyle choices as a whole and not look at maca as an easy and quick fix.

Think of this superfood as a tool to help you on the road to good health. After all, that's how the root has been used for thousands of years.

Try a maca supplement

If you're not sure if you're getting all the essential vitamins and nutrients your body needs, you may want to consider a supplement.

4HER is a range of supplements created specifically for women's health challenges, such as hormonal balance, sexuality, energy and mood.

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